The most recent publication of Lonely Planet, one of the most famous travel guides in the world, cites the salteña as one of the traditional foods consumed on the streets of Bolivia.
The appetizer is an empanada that is filled with minced meat or chicken, potato, vegetables, hard-boiled egg, chili pepper, as well as olives, all contained in a juicy broth seasoned with some spices that are responsible for giving it a peculiar flavor.
bolivian salteñas
Although the traditional Bolivian salteña acquired several characteristics, according to the department in which it is prepared —Potosí, La Paz or Chuquisaca— there are coincidences about its origin.
The portal La Información cites that the “restorative empanadas from Bolivia, humble samosas (stuffed with potato)” are part of the street foods that this guide talks about, which is announced as the perfect resource for “gourmet globetrotters.”
The guides that bear the Lonely Planet seal are characterized by advising world tourism on what is best in each place. In this case, Bolivia has the salteña as its representative.
The book The best street food in the world includes 80 savory specialties and 20 sweets from the five continents.
The appetizer that is baked in the oven and is only for sale until noon is consumed and bought in stores or in small street carts that are generally found in squares or main streets of the cities.
In addition to being desired and consumed throughout Bolivia, they are also found in foreign countries, where Bolivian emigrants prepare this delicious snack.
These juicy empanadas were popularized in the country during the second half of the 19th century, when Mrs. Juana Manuela Gorriti, born in the city of Salta, Argentina, fled into exile with her family and settled in the city of Tarija, in the south. from Bolivia.
The Gorriti family had to leave behind all their goods and belongings, so Manuela began to prepare some soupy empanadas to get out of poverty.
As for the origin of its name, it is said that the success of this food was so great that they adopted the nickname of its creator, whom they knew as ‘la salteña’, a name attributed to her place of birth.
Elaboration of Bolivian Salteñas
Its expansion to other regions of the country dates back to the years of its inventor. The version used by the researcher Beatriz Rossells Montalvo is that seeing that buyers were always few in Tarija, the Gorriti family migrated to Chuquisaca.
According to the scholar’s account —according to the words of some locals from La Paz— the Sucrens, conquerors and romantics, noticed the beautiful daughters from Salta who sold the empanadas, so they decided to compliment them through the product they prepared.
However, a work on recovering Rossells’ recipes reveals that Bolivian food has long deserved international awards. The ‘broth empanadas’, according to the investigation, were known as such at least until the 1960s.
“The people of Salta may have reached Tarija because it is close to Argentina; However, in Sucre these families have not had an influence”, the expert points out. In addition, she assures that there is even less chance that the influence has reached Potosí, where she points to to find the origin of the hot, juicy and spicy snack.
“It is one of the most delicious sajra horas (snacks) in our country,” says Bolivian chef Nelson Aguilera, who affirms that they can be consumed daily because there is no special date to enjoy their flavor.
Currently, this snack is the ideal food for cocktails, children’s birthday parties or simply to share with friends. (Gladys Mayta / Cambio)